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Welcome to my blog! (Introduction)

Let's start to make clear the purpose of this blog. It is dedicated to all topics related to cognitive skills and creativity, therefore I will try to talk about each of them in detail but, first of all, let's talk in general about, What are Cognitive Skills? What is Creativity?

Cognitive Skills

It is very simple to understand what it is, therefore, cognitive skills are all those where the human being processes the information and "how" it processes, that is, memory use, attention, perception and CREATIVITY


Creativity is the ability that we have to be able to think of new methods / possibilities to be able to invent or create something either new or improve something, they can be objects, ideas, representations, etc.

So, as we can say that cognitive skills and creativity are one, I like to see it as follows, there is a large box called cognitive skills and inside that box there is another box called creativity, and inside that box there are more small boxes, thinking skills. Each one is the result of another and cannot be carried out if not all are done. And why this is important?.


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