What are the Thinking Skills?
Well, the thinking skills are the mental processes that allow people to process any type of information, gain knowledge and solve problems. These skills are important because they allow the human being to think and act in a generalized way, as well as to acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes.
Convergent vs Divergent
There exist two kind of thinking in a general form, thus, we can say that is necessary explain these types of thinking because are creativity techniques to solve problems in different ways.
So the convergent thinking is characterized by looking from different perspectives and finding more than one solution in the face of a challenge or problem. It acts by removing assumptions, disarticulating schemes, making positions more flexible and producing new connections. It is a thought without limits that explores and opens paths, often towards the unusual and original.
Now the convergent thinking is used to solve well-defined problems whose characteristic is to have a unique solution, it moves in one direction, in a plane. In these cases, a closed universe is faced, with defined limits, with elements and properties known from the beginning, which do not vary as the search process for a solution progresses. A characteristic problem of convergent type is the multiple-choice question, which is entirely closed. In this case an answer is not constructed but the correct one is identified.
Also there are another types of thinking that are more obvious to see concrete, logical, critical and inferential. I will explain a little bit about these.
Critical thinking
Critical thinking is a process that helps organize or organize concepts, ideas and knowledge. This type of thinking is used to arrive in the most objective way to the correct posture that a subject should have.
Inferential thinking
This one allows the use of information that is available to develop new information, through analytical processes. By inferential thinking we understand the ability or ability to interpret, combine ideas and develop a series of conclusions from certain data or perceived information. Thanks to this ability, we can determine or identify certain information that is not explicitly found at the source.
Logical thinking
Logical thinking is the ability of the human being to understand everything that surrounds us and the relationships or differences that exist between actions, objects or observable facts through analysis, comparison, abstraction and imagination.
In human beings during childhood only concrete thoughts develop. However, during puberty we are able to generate logical thinking and apply it constantly in order to solve the different situations that arise in daily life.
Concrete thinking is a cognitive process that is characterized by the description of facts and tangible objects. It is the type of thought that is linked to real-world phenomena, that is, to material objects. Concrete thinking allows us to generate general concepts about particular phenomena and categorize them in a logical way.
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