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Lean Canvas


The Lean Canvas is based on the Business Model Canvas designed by Alex Osterwalder. Thanks to Ash Maurya we can enjoy a specific adaptation of the business model canvas for entrepreneurs who are working on their business idea when launching their own startup.
As we explained in the Business Model Canvas post, that canvas is divided into two parts (the right part talks about the market, and the left part refers to the company).

In this case, the Lean Canvas has a more practical division for those who are looking for an innovative and viable business model. The right part continues to reflect the environment (market) but the left part helps you reflect on your product / service.

As you can see, the approach has points in common, but with some important subtleties.

Below I explain more fully what are the adaptations of the Lean Canvas blocks with respect to the traditional Canvas or Osterwalder Canvas:

Customer segment:

 In the case of entrepreneurs it is important to define the figure of Early Adopters. Going to the first mass market is very dangerous !!! There is always a profile more given to welcoming your product / service before others, your visionaries !!

Customer relations becomes a unique special advantage: 

It is the most difficult block to define at first. It is something that is acquired over time. Do not worry, at this moment it is more important that you focus on the rest of the blocks, for now you can leave it blank.

Key partnerships become a problem: 

This is not the time to think about who you are going to associate with if you still do not know why your clients will pay you… It is more critical for the entrepreneur to identify what REAL problem his Early Adopter profile suffers from. You must also reflect on the alternatives present in the market.

Key activities becomes a solution: 

You must reflect on how you are going to solve your client's problem.
Key resources becomes key metrics:
 In this box the indicators for decision making will be defined. It is important that you define them well to know if you should pivot or persevere.



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