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Mostrando entradas de febrero, 2020

Theory of change

How many times have we wanted to...? To start, I want you to think about all those moments when we have wanted to do something important to make a change in some community, or simply within the same family, tell me, have there been many? Maybe most of us have wanted to make a change in some community, whether large or small, but we simply have not had any success, on the other hand, there will be people who would have succeeded, but because many of them apply certain methods to be able to take your project in a very reasonable way to success, a part of these people is by implements, they are the people who did something from nothing and they like others, but there are people who have made great changes in a whole community and obviously, they carry a tool type, in this blog I will talk a little more about one of these tools in particular, "THE THEORY OF CHANGE". Many people (including me) try to make some kind of change in their society but they are not successful, ...

The art of thinking

Since we were born we have been in constant physical development, we become fat, we become thin, we grow, etc., but in the same way we have a mental development that is constant, as time goes by we learn more and more to the point where we reason, where we characterize a very important thing, our thinking, our way of thinking. This is not something new, since our ancestors this was already exercised, we simply had not thought clearly what exactly we think and why and how we came to that thought, well, let me explain that there is an answer for all this since there are several types of thinking which we use without realizing it, they are very important, therefore, I will explain a little more about them. What are the Thinking Skills? Well, the thinking skills are the mental processes that allow people to process any type of information, gain knowledge and solve problems. These skills are important because they allow the human being to think and act in a generalized way, as well as t...

Welcome to my blog! (Introduction)

Let's start to make clear the purpose of this blog. It is dedicated to all topics related to cognitive skills and creativity, therefore I will try to talk about each of them in detail but, first of all, let's talk in general about, What are Cognitive Skills? What is Creativity? Cognitive Skills It is very simple to understand what it is, therefore, cognitive skills are all those where the human being processes the information and "how" it processes, that is, memory use, attention, perception and CREATIVITY Creativity Creativity is the ability that we have to be able to think of new methods / possibilities to be able to invent or create something either new or improve something, they can be objects, ideas, representations, etc. So, as we can say that cognitive skills and creativity are one, I like to see it as follows, there is a large box called cognitive skills and inside that box there is another box called creativity, and inside that box there are m...